Saturday, 24 March 2012

Human bones exracted from a mass grave in Libya

an uprising in Libya
Piles of bones have reportedly been exracted from a mass grave just a few miles outside Tripoli.According to human rights groups, there are as many as 8000 people missing or having dissappeared in Libya during the last year revolution against the Gaddafi regime.

I agree that the revolution against Gaddafi was for a good cause, the Libyan people had suffered enough under the former leader's tyranny rule and they could no longer tolerate it.Howeever on the other hand, although that was justified enough, many lives were also lost in the process.This therefore becomes one of the  disturbing consequences that arise from uprisings.Many Libyans up to this day have no idea where their relatives and friends dissapeared to, whether they are dead or alive.According to the reports from BBC news, many of the bodies that were extracted from the mass grave were unidentifiable.The Libyans were successful enough in getting rid of Gaddafi and there were celebrations everywhere, but some Libyans are still mourning the deaths and disappearance of their loved ones.To them, the revolution was a nightmarish experience that would forever remain etched in their minds, giving them no peace in their lives.I sometimes ask myself over and over again when I think about Libya, was the revolution truly worth it? Was it truly worth it to sacrifice the lives of 8000 people just to get rid of 1 person?

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